Thursday, June 6, 2013

Superman Batman together on the big screen? Rumor for movie in 2015

Hey guys, you will never believe what I just discovered- batman and superman might have a movie with each other! Of course, there are some technicalities, and the fact that the movie has to be after superman 2 AND Nightwing brings the question of exactly HOW MANY MOVIES can DC make with basically the same two characters.
Personally, I think they should go for it, I mean,  I love both the characters and would love to see more of them. Who knows, they might even be able to clarify the batman vs superman argument. Some more green lantern might be nice though, before more super/bat.

If the movie was to be made,  Harry Cahill would play superman, but getting Cristian Bale to play batman YET AGAIN might be a problem. Another issue is the fact that Christopher Nolan has made quite a name for himself, and the mo is would definitely loose some steam if we don't see his name on the screen.

How about you guys? Would you like to see another superman/batman movie? What are some other characters you would like to see on the big screen? Comment on this!

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